Privacy Policy

Earsup (”Company”, “our”, “us”, or “we”) respects your privacy and are committed to protecting it through our compliance with this Privacy Policy (this “Policy”).
This Policy describes the types of information we may collect or that you may provide when you visit, purchase, download, register with us, access, or use our Website, mobile applications, onboard media, blogs, phone, in person, social media and other places, social media accounts, or our other online or interactive portals or services, whether accessed via computer, mobile device or other technology operated by us from time to time which include a link to this Policy or when you have any other interactions (e.g., customer service and other communications) with us. This Policy does not apply to any of our websites, mobile apps or services that has a separate privacy policy or notice.

We collect, use and store your personal information to ensure that we can provide you with various services and offer you a personalized experience online and in our shops. This may be done on our Website or through other means. We will keep your personal information confidential at all times and only collect, use and store it in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

We collect various levels of your personal information both on our Website and in our physical shops:

- You will browse our Website as a guest if you are not a registered user. We will not collect or use any personal information from you, but you may not be able to use all of the services and features that we offer to registered users. We don't knowingly probe visitor's computers for personal information. We do collect visitor's Internet technical statistics, including IP addresses, referrers, the type of browser and type of workstation used. With this information, we may gain insight into how visitors find us on the Internet, and how many Windows vs. Mac users visit us and use the information to improve our services to visitors and users. This information may help us to decide how much to invest in compatibility with different browsers.

- You will need to provide certain of your personal information when you register with us on our Website (such as your name and contact details), in order to receive various features and services that we offer to our registered users, such as email updates, responses to your enquiries and priority for our limited edition items. The personal information we collect may include your name, billing and shipping address, email address, and mobile and home phone numbers. We use this personal information you elect to submit to us as a registered user for our own research, advertising and marketing purposes, including sending you by postal and electronic mail information about products and services offered by us and by other companies that we think you will be interested in. We record our calls with prospective and actual customers, and confirm before doing so that we have your permission to record our call. We collect various information about its customers as part of its routine business operations, including, but not limited to:
• ordinary business transactions, such as purchases
and payments
• credit information from third party bureaus
• billing, service and delivery addresses and contact
• characteristics of products
• other information incident to the provision of
products and services.

- You can only place an order with us as a registered user on our Website. In either case, we will only collect information necessary to fulfil the relevant order (such as your name, contact details and payment/credit card details). Your credit card information will be used only to process your transactions with us. Your credit card number and security code will not be stored on our Website or in our store.

When you use our Website, store or their content, certain third parties may use automatic information collection technologies to collect information about you or your device. These third parties may include:
• Advertisers, ad networks, and ad servers.
• Analytics companies.
• Your mobile device manufacturer.
• Your mobile service provider.

These third parties may use tracking technologies to collect information about you when you use our website, store, mobile apps etc. The information they collect may be associated with your personal information or they may collect information, including personal information, about your online activities over time and across different websites, apps, and other online services websites. They may use this information to provide you with interest-based (behavioral) advertising or other targeted content. We do not control these third parties’ tracking technologies or how they may be used. If you have any questions about an advertisement or other targeted content, you should contact the responsible provider directly. For information about how you can opt out of receiving targeted advertising from many providers, see our Opt-out Policy and Cookies and Standard Web Practices below.

- You may wish to review or update your personal information held by us. You can do this by contacting our customer service or by adjusting your customer profile in your registered account.

We use the personal information you provide for the following purposes:

- To provide our services to you. This includes answering any questions you may have, providing recommendations on products on our Website, maintaining your shopping cart on our Website, reviewing your requests for any of our services and fulfilling any orders you may place with us (including security checks on your payments and verification).

We use the information (including personal information) we collect from or about you (including without limitation, through technologies such as cookies, pixel tags and similar technologies) primarily to provide better customer service to you, to improve and customize the content you see, to help recognize you when you use other devices, to provide the service you request, and to contact you about special promotions and new products and services and for purposes including the following:
• customizing or personalizing and evaluating how well our products, features, tools, materials, or services perform;
• customizing, targeting or personalizing our advertising that you view and monitoring the effectiveness of our email communications and other advertising efforts;
• to provide you with the products and services you request;
• remembering information so that you will not have to re-enter it during your visits to, or the next time you visit;
• to reward you as part of any reward and recognition program you choose to join;
• to solicit information from you, including through surveys;
• to resolve disputes, collect fees, or troubleshoot problems
• monitoring the effectiveness of our Website or store;
• identifying what information about our products and services you may share;
• contacting you for a sweepstakes or other promotion about a product or service we believe may be of interest to you, either from us alone or together with another sponsor or a third party;
• conducting research;
• compiling aggregate data for internal and external business purposes;
• monitoring the aggregate metrics such as total number of visitors, traffic, usage, and demographic patterns at our Website or store;
• diagnosing or fixing technology problems;
• preventing potentially illegal or harmful activities, including fraud;
• protecting your and our rights;
• other uses in accordance with our Terms;
• planning for, improving and enhancing our services; and
• any other purpose that is required or permitted by law or that is disclosed to you at the time we collect the information or that is related to a request made by you.
• operate, evaluate and improve our business (including administering, enhancing and improving our services; developing new services; managing our communications and customer relationships; and performing accounting, auditing, billing, reconciliation and collection activities);
• protect against and prevent fraud and other unlawful activity, unauthorized transactions, claims and other liabilities;
• conduct investigations and comply with and enforce applicable legal requirements, relevant industry standards, contractual obligations, and our policies and terms; and maintain and enhance the safety and security of our services, network, information, customers, employees, and others.

We also may use the information we obtain about you in other ways for which we provide specific notice and obtain your consent if required by applicable law. We may combine information we obtain about you (such as through our Services or from third parties) for the purposes described above.

In addition to the information (including personal information) described in this Policy, we may aggregate information about you and other individuals together, or otherwise "de-identify" the information about you (which means that the information does not identify you personally). We may use information in these forms for any legitimate business purpose, including without limitation, for research and analysis, administration of the products and services, advertising (e.g., improving our targeting efforts or our Service or other services), and promotional purposes.
In order to access the service from your mobile device or browser, you may be required to share your device’s precise location data (e.g., latitude and longitude) with us. This location data may be used to provide tailored service to you based on your location.

You can instruct us at any time not to use your personally identifiable information for marketing and educational purposes by contacting us at Customer Service at the. number below. When calling, please provide your Account registration information or account number. However, we are committed to communicating with you in meaningful ways that we feel will be to your advantage. We will also continue to communicate with you regarding deliveries, products or services or any amounts due in connection therewith.

Our Website and store are not intended for children under 13 years of age, and we do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13. If we learn we have collected or received personal information from a child under 13 without verification of parental consent, we will delete that information. If you believe we might have any information from or about a child under 13, please contact us at Customer Service at the number below.

Information We Disclose to Others
We disclose information to our own service suppliers (marketing, website, advertising and other vendors, licensors, service providers and our financial and legal advisors). We may also share information (including personal information) with third-party vendors who provide functions on our behalf, including credit card processing, invoices, business analytics, customer service, marketing, distribution of surveys or promotional programs, and fraud prevention. We may also authorize third-party vendors to collect information on our behalf, including as necessary to operate features of our websites, any apps or store. We do not however, disclose text messaging originator opt-in data and consent information with any third party vendors, third party business partners or any other third parties (other than government authorities and then only pursuant to a subpoena as described in the paragraph below).
Third-party vendors have access to and may collect information (including personal information) only as needed to perform their functions and are not permitted to share or use the information for any other purpose. They are also required to adopt data security practices consistent with our practices. We may share information (including personal information) with our third party business partners with whom we (i) may jointly offer products or services or sweepstakes or other promotions, or (ii) whose products or services may be offered through or on our website or store; or (iii) who we believe may have products and services that may be of interest to you. You can tell when a third party is involved in a product or service you have requested because their name will appear, either alone or with ours. Please note that third-party business partners are not controlled by us and personal information disclosed to them is subject to the applicable third party’s privacy policy and security practices. Therefore, we encourage you to review the privacy policies of third-party business partner.

We disclose personally identifiable information to third parties only with your permission, or to cooperate with governmental authorities, such as to respond to subpoenas or other legitimate inquiries, in connection with a stolen credit or bank card, identity theft, fraud or other criminal investigation, or otherwise, in accordance with the procedures prescribed by relevant laws, or in connection with a sale or merger of our company or all or substantially all of its assets (including a sale while in bankruptcy). We may disclosure aggregated information collected from visitors and users to our website and our customers to third parties.

Cookies and Standard Web Practices
Our Website and store make use of cookies for some features. Cookies are not required to visit or view all pages on our Website or store, but you will need to enable cookies to perform some functions on the Website. A "cookie" is a small text file that is stored on your computer when you access an Access Point. Cookies can perform useful functions, such as allowing you to return to the Access Point and be recognized without having to restart an authentication process or type in your registration information. Browsers such as Microsoft Internet Explorer allow you to block the storage of cookies. While you may block the storage of cookies, know that some functions on our Website or store will not work properly without cookies. In general, cookies are used to identify a session as unique. We don’t use cookies on our Website or store for systematic tracking of its customers other than the methods mentioned below:
• Web Usage Tracking: We employ various software tracking techniques to produce website and other access point traffic reports to understand and improve the experience for visitors and customers. These reports compile individual user visits anonymously.
• Secure Transmissions to Our Servers: We use a widely used encryption technology called [SSL] to encode sensitive information when you transmit it to us through our Website or store. This is generally the same technology used by your banks.
• We and our third-party advertising companies may use pixel tags in HTML-enabled email and on our Website or store to track whether (and when) the recipient opened the message. check whether you have viewed a particular web page, ad, or email message, and determine, among other things, the time and date on which you viewed or accessed the Services, the IP address of your computer, and the URL of the web page from which the Services were viewed or accessed.
• The analytics tools that collect information sent by your browser or mobile device, including the pages you visit, your use of third party applications, and other information assists us in analyzing and improving the Website or store.

If you are a California consumer, please see “California Consumer Privacy Statement” for more information about your privacy rights. If you are a resident of any of the states in the U.S. that have enacted Privacy Legislation, you may request information about our disclosure of personal information to third parties or affiliated companies which do not share the Company name for their direct marketing purposes. To make such a request, please contact us at ____________. You must put the statement “_____________” in the subject field. We are not responsible for notices that are not labeled or sent properly, or do not have complete information.
Please note that the Company will be unable to delete certain data, including payment credentials if You are still subscribed to an active generating facility or have outstanding charges that need to be paid.
The Company may also retain data to fulfill regulatory requirements such as Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) data retention policies.

Information Accuracy
Part of the responsibility for storing your personally identifiable information securely is to provide you with a means of correcting information you find to be inaccurate. To update and verify information you provide to us through our Website or store or collected by us through business transactions we conduct with you, call our customer service center at the number below.

Security Standards
We maintain administrative, technical, and physical safeguards designed to protect personal information against accidental, unlawful, or unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, access, disclosure or use. While we take efforts to help ensure the integrity and security of our network and systems, we cannot guarantee our security measures. If you think someone has obtained your login or password, please immediately call our customer service at the number below. If we suspect there is security breach or other unauthorized activity involving your account, we may post a notice on our Website or store, or try to contact you using your email or postal address or telephone.

Privacy At Other Websites or Apps
When we provide links to other websites or apps from our Website or store that we believe you may find useful, be advised that when you visit those sites or apps, you will be operating under their individual privacy policies. We encourage you to carefully review their respective privacy policies.

Retention Of Personal Information
We will retain your personal information for the time period reasonably necessary to achieve the purposes described in this Policy, or any other notice provided at the time of data collection, taking into account applicable statutes of limitation and records retention requirements under applicable law, as well as our records retention requirements and policies.

Updates And Changes
We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to change, modify, add, remove, or otherwise revise portions of this Privacy Privacy at any time. We will post material change(s) on this website, as appropriate. Your continued use of our website or store after changes means you accept these changes.

We are committed to making sure that our Website is accessible to everyone. To access this Privacy Policy in an alternative form, please [insert instructions]. For more information, please see our Accessibility Statement here [insert hyperlink].
[NOTE: the website must follow generally recognized industry standards, such as Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, version 2.1 of June 5, 2018, from the World Wide Consortium in regard to the format of its ONLINE Privacy Policy; for other formats of the Privacy Policy, the business must provide information on how the consumer with a disability may access the notice in an alternative format, e.g. verbally over the

EARSUP will send you special offers and promotions by post, email, SMS and RCS when you are an existing customer or where (in the case of a new customer), you have consented to receive such promotions or have otherwise not opted-out. If you do not want to receive offers and promotion by email, you can unsubscribe in the link included as part of all marketing communications.
We will endeavor to remove you as quickly as possible but it may take time to fully remove you from our email mailing list so you may receive one or two more emails. If you do not want to receive offers and promotions by post, SMS or RCS, let us know at contact page. Our postal marketing materials are printed in advance so it can take time for the process to be complete for this medium, so it is possible that you may receive one further communication in such instances.